Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fukken moderator

This is the 2nd time my siggie got nuked by mistake!

The first time I kena was last year, at least after discussing with mod through PM, he admitted it was his fault for not checking thoroughly (hardware problem on his side), ini moderator ada responsibility ada humble! He apologized for his mistake, I apologized for disturbing him lol!

The 2nd time which was today, this other mod seems to be abit more lansi, stating that they would not go simply nuke siggies without checking properly. Well duh. Im cool with that.
But when I ask for proof that my siggie broke the R&R, they dont have was deleted immediately after 'inspection'.......telling me to drop the 'case' a very rude way!

FYI I always check my siggie before saving it.

Fine. Its just a siggie, no big deal anyway. At least I get to know the ugly side of these people.