Monday, June 28, 2010


Why is it such a taboo to talk about things such as ghost? Everytime when talking to my friends on a ghastly topic, they'll sure try to avoid and keep on saying touchwood. Its not like a ghost will haunt you for talking about them. Shesh.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Advice we dont need any!

Its easy for people to give others advices about hardship and heartship in life, there are some that take it to the extent of giving the advisee a personal reality check, a smack in the head if you would say.

They are so holy nothing else matters, be it your opinions or thoughts. The only thing that matters is that they managed to convinced you to do they say.

How ironic. Ignorance is fukken bliss.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kamen Rider Skull

No rider is as awesome as Narumi Sokichi, better known as Kamen Rider Skull (potrayed by Koji Kikkawa)

  • He fight on his own before Double came in......just like Kuuga.
  • He is not your average gayfag rider from some musical dramas.
  • He is able fend off average Dopants in human form and will not henshin unless he finds it necessary to.
  • He is not a self-acclaimed philosophist-wannabe like Tendou Souji/Kabuto, a realist with nothing to lose........and he wears a fukken white fedora!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

SHF Kamen Rider Skull

This is my first SHFiguarts, an exclusive/limited edition too hehe......

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ip Man and Bruce Lee

The two legends: Ip Man and Bruce Lee

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Where's mah sammich?

Where's a woman in the kitchen when I need one? Sigh.

Fukked up dream

I had a dream just now, it was a 'horror-action genre' dream, one that was quite surreal I woke up and accidentally banged my head next to the wall.

Ok, here's what my dream:

1. I saw a girl being butchered by some madman in a room. Intestines, brains, limbs flying everywhere. At one corner, I was limbs being stacked up like a mountain. Just imagine Hostel + Midnight Meat Train then you'll get what I mean.

2. Next the room was revealed to be a secret lair of a hypermarket......ok.

3. I see the butcher drinking the blood of the victim he just minced. He went into another room and got himself another girl, I assume he kidnapped quite a few of them to satisfy his meal or desire for gore.

4. The 2nd girl was strapped onto some weird drilling machine. Oh umm I cant really recall the details but only remembered that the drill went into the girl's boob.......ok.

5. SOMEHOW, the 2nd girl managed to escape despite having 2 huge holes on her boobs. The butcher was chasing her from behind. She got out, found herself in the middle of a hypermarket......I even saw non-halal sign like the ones in Tesco bwhahahahah!

6. Ok here's where I came in......I was some undercover agent working on this bizarre case. I was already in the hypermarket and saw the girl screaming for help, running towards me. I saw the butcher behind her. I told her to get down, and I shot the butcher by the head.....yeah I got a gun babe.

7. The butcher dead. The girl hysterical. She continue to ran out from the hypermarket despite what happened. I chased her. My men were already outside. They grabbed her and forced her inside a car. I wonder which co-ops Im working for would use such brutality.

8. Butcher aint dead. He slaughter his way out from the hypermarket, weilding his almighty butcher knives and managed to slash a few of my men on the way out too.

9. He got into a van, getting ready to escape. I shot the van's fuel cap bullet-time style. The van exploded but the butcher managed to jump out of the van before the flames consume him.

10. He was waiving his knives towards me, I shot him in the abdomen, chest and head. He collapsed.

11. Then I saw the angry pedestrians running towards the butcher's body, ripping it apart like a broken ragdoll. There's one pedestrian who even rip out the butcher's arm, peel off the flesh.....only the bone remained. The next thing I saw he was whacking the butcher's head with the arm bone LOL! The the butcher's face got ripped apart, saw people stomping his brains and poof!

I woke up.

Monday, June 7, 2010 asshole!

I came back to Kampar on the 29th of May, Maxis line down.....ok fine I gave them a few days to fix this problem.

Today is 7th of June, more than a week.....and the line is still down! Wafak!?!?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Highway to Hell

Ahh the North South Expressway. A place to chill, relax and improve your freakin driving skills!

Of course there are road ethics that us, drivers should adhere to. Its not really rules and regulation but more of an understanding between all road users.

But noooo.......there are exception.

I've seen a few.

The 'inferior' cars would let the more 'superior' cars overtake them, but will NOT if your car is less superior than his. Hardcore ones would just hog everything that can go through.

These are also same fools are that like racing without fully accessing the the car's and their own capability. I've seen a Viva doing 160km/h, skidded and turn 90' just a few meters infront of me, luckily I managed to avoid collision. The car hit the side rails and was in badly shaped. I didnt bother to check whether the driver is KO or dead. They're scapegoats of their stupidity anyway.