Thursday, June 3, 2010

Highway to Hell

Ahh the North South Expressway. A place to chill, relax and improve your freakin driving skills!

Of course there are road ethics that us, drivers should adhere to. Its not really rules and regulation but more of an understanding between all road users.

But noooo.......there are exception.

I've seen a few.

The 'inferior' cars would let the more 'superior' cars overtake them, but will NOT if your car is less superior than his. Hardcore ones would just hog everything that can go through.

These are also same fools are that like racing without fully accessing the the car's and their own capability. I've seen a Viva doing 160km/h, skidded and turn 90' just a few meters infront of me, luckily I managed to avoid collision. The car hit the side rails and was in badly shaped. I didnt bother to check whether the driver is KO or dead. They're scapegoats of their stupidity anyway.